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Card Sorting

Card Sorting allows users to rank and prioritise their preferences regarding their needs, it is a useful method for designers to understand participants' values.


By: IDEO, Stacy Barnes;

Use: Methods of prioritising pain points/ needs

Case studies: Design for post-harvest loss for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa;

"A Card Sort is a quick and easy way to spark conversation about what matters most to the people you’re designing for. By putting a deck of cards, each with a word or single image, in someone’s hands and then asking them to rank them in order of preference, you’ll gain huge insight into what really counts. You can also use the Card Sort exercise to start a deeper conversation about what he or she values and why."

"Card sorting will help you understand your users' expectations and understanding of your topics. It is often most useful once you have done some homework to find out about your users and understand your content, Knowing how your users group information can help you:

1. Build the structure for your website, 2. Decide what to put on the homepage, 3. Label categories and navigation."


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