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Expert Interview

Expert Interview is a great method which can be employed in different stages of defining process. Using different design practices, such as the 5 Whys, What-How-Why, Interviews can be well designed by combining a variety of empathising and defining methods (e.g. Resource Flow, Card Sorting, Collage, Story Mining, etc) according to purpose and expected outcomes.



Use: Methods of defining Stakeholders' pain points and needs; Methods of prioritising pain points/ needs

Cases studies: Vroom; Asili

"Though the crux of Inspiration phase is talking with the people you’re designing for, you can gain valuable perspective by talking to experts. Experts can often give you a systems-level view of your project area, tell you about recent innovations—successes and failures—and offer the perspectives of organizations like banks, governments, or NGOs. You might also look to experts for specific technical advice."


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